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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I magus what I've typed so far #2 ( a little note the coffe Magus is drinking is the coffee I have on my breaks)

Ted Moro 1576 Brodick Crescent Victoria BC,Canada V8N1N4 250-658-1228 ted.moro164@gmail.com www.morofilmsandbooks.yolasite.com I Magus A novel by Ted Moro The Wizard's Code Do what thou wilt as long you harm none Truth is the only realty Honor the earth and it's spirits living and dead Fear her fury and respect her bounty Protect the week from evil strong Never use magic for evil gain. I Magus Chapter 1 I was born in a small town. - Bruce Springstein. 1. I suppose I should start at the beginning that's what most story tellers would start but then again I am no ordinary story teller. I am Magus1, and this is my story. My story doesn't start in a castle, I wasn't born in royalty or anything like that. I was actually born in what then was called a small town called Calgary Alberta a world adjacent to the one I live in now. We lived there for ten years until we could not stand the cold anymore and a teacher strike forced us to move another small town. It was there that I acquired my interest in paganism and the supernatural. One of my brothers would actually tease me about this and say that I was going to the dark side quoting from a popular movie. As I grew up I would go to the library and take out books on black magic and paganism. I was originally drawn to one particular person called Aliester Crowley and for several years I would purchase his books at a local occult shop until I learned what he was truly like I Magus After a few years when I enter adult hood and found out what a horrible individual he was as my mom would tell me so I turned to Wicca and Druidism where I learned about the wiccan credo which is like the wizards code and found a new roll model in the form of F as I will call her and learned about the nature path and the rule which seems to be the same in the both the credo and the code. “Do what thou wilt if it harm none.” And about this time I created my first book of shadows and thanks to the Internet I was discovering lots of spells but I got most of mine from my favorite character in a fantasy book. I felt with this character I could relate because just like him I have a disability but I took inspiration from him and didn't let it stop me from achieving my goals and dreams. While I was pursuing my spiritual goals I was also working on several jobs from a dish washer to a clerk at grocery store which is where I met someone that I care about deeply and later discovered that she is this world's Paige who I will talk about later in the book. At that moment I knew that she and I were meant to be friends. Destiny had stepped in and made it's first move. As one of my favorite video game characters would say. “Free will is an illusion.” I guess you could say it was love at first sight. I would soon learn that destiny had more in store for me as the call of the Dragon Throne was about to draw me to my eventual destiny as the new Dragon King of the Sacred City and being introduced to my spirit guide who I would learn later was the adviser to the late Dragon King. I Magus I didn't actually meet Nexus till much later , but I found his avatar a few years later when I was walking by this comic store and this action figure of a dragon called to me. Now don't get confused and think I'm crazy he didn't actually speak to me per se but I felt like I was supposed to purchase him. Destiny had moved another piece on the chess board of my life and drawn me closer to my eventual destiny. As I drew closer to my eventual destiny as the Dragon King . I was also working on my career as an author/screenwriter and my dream of having my own empire based on my ideals and talents called The House of M2 but before my career would launch with the Chronicles and my journeys I tried my hand at screen writing with my screen play called Dragon Fire.3 I started writing it a few years ago where I would go to town and go to the local Chapter book store and sit with a cup of coffee and write my stories and screenplays. I would originally try sending it to agents but I would soon learn how they are deceptively untrustworthy since I still haven't heard anything till day. But all in all I am actually grateful for that since if it had gone as planned I would never met my closest friend. I Magus It was also around this time that I became aware that I was a were dragon. Weres in this world cannot shape shift and I didn't learn this ability till much later. A were is a person who has who has animal like traits that they were born with or picked up from their totem animal on in my case my spirit guide and as the throne amplifies abilities and traits mine were more dominant which I struggle to keep under control . I f you think you might be a were you can check out a website called Were Nation .net. They even have a forum where they can chat with other weres so far I am the only were dragon . Like a dragon I know told me once there hasn't been a weredragon for may years. I guess I should elaborate a bit more about the dragon throne. How I can I describe it to you and about the Sacred City. For many years I thought I that the city was something I created a way of remembering things.( I still describe it that way to my friends. ) But as time passed the city became to take a life of its own, as I discovered it's denizens and began to realize it was real. It would be a while before I could enter physically, but I found out I could enter it spiritually like in a dream. ( Please be warned do not try to enter it the city is guarded and only I or a guest of my choosing can enter.) In the beginning the the city was small there was only the castle and the store I worked at, but as I had more experiences the city grew and new buildings appeared. I discovered that there was a harbor and a forest which is called the Eternal Forest which is covered later on in the book. The throne and the castle are something to behold. The castle itself resembles a castle in Holland called Muiderslot. I Magus As you enter on the walls are pictures of people I know with their names and places underneath. I call it my Hall of Friends. For each king it's different the throne changes the castle to each kings needs. As you walk down the hall on the left is a set of double doors and inside is what I have aptly named the Hall of Heroes. Inside are statues of the king's roll models and heroes. For me there is a statue of a character from one my favorite novels and across from him is another wizard which I styled my robe after from the Dragon Lance series. I should also mention just as enter at the far right corner of the hall there is statue of dragon holding a crystal ball and a stair way that leads down to the dungeon with cells that resemble the cells in the show Torch Wood and Silence of the Lambs. Beside them are wanted posters of homeless people at my work place and of villains that inhabit this realm. The throne room is on the upper level of the castle which is where the living quarters are and the library. The library is one of my favorite places inside the library is filled with books collected by the kings of the past and in front is fireplace and a black leather lazy-boy chair with a small table with a skull on it. I do most of my writing here in the library now. The living quarters resemble my room at my home in many ways. There are three video game consoles a Playstation 3 , a Xbox 360 and a Wii. Adjacent is a desk with a computer. The bed is a site to behold it is a fourposter bed with a black quilt and a duvet hanging on the end of it. I Magus Now lets get to the good part my throne room. You may have thought you have seen throne rooms before but you haven't seen anything like this. The throne sort of resembles the throne from the Legacy of Kain games but there was a statue of Hydra dragon behind it which was destroyed by Spectre which I won't get in to as of right now but later on in the book. Needless to say I am planning on to replace it sometime soon. The throne itself is sentient as you probably figured out by now and in a hidden chamber is the Heart Stone. Now one else can sit on it but the chosen king for if someone does it will eventually drive him insane and kill him. Flanking the throne on the left and right corner are statues representing the earthly and the spiritual . One of the last Dragon Kings Greyskull and one that looks sort of like an angel hold what I believe is the Torch of Truth the torch God held when he created the heavens and earth. I Magus Chapter II There are more things in Heaven and Earth then man can dream of Horatio. -Hamlet. Maximus As of that I have gone into detail at describing and the castle to you. I feel I should tell you more about the denizens that inhabit the city before we get more involved in the story. I actually met Maximus a few years back or his avatar in the city. Here in the the city he resembles the Undead warlock from the World of Warcraft figures. When we met he introduced himself as Maximus naming himself after the Roman Emperor and as I learned he is a formidable ally and a staunch friend as the skulls on his spikes adorning his armor testify too. He has never alluded to who he is in what I call the waking world, but I have my suspicions that he might be a celebrity and he is just trying to hide his identity I hope one day that he will feel confident to reveal who he is too me. I respect his decision because that one reason that I ware a mask. I Magus Maximus and I have been through a lot together. He has always been there to watch my back. It's why I feel that many people who don't like me or uncomfortable around me can never approach me for fear of becoming another skull on his armor. In our fight against Spectre it was he who chased him away.4 His loyalty and friendship are unmatched because I think of our ambitions are the same that maybe he is an actor or director in real life and the fact the we are both weres me a dragon and he is a spider and the first to be born in a while just like me the last werespider was the wizard who served Greyskull in his reign as the king and helped him defeat I psis in his time and now a werespider serves the Dragon King again. This time as a warrior since I myself am a wizard. It seems that everything runs in cycles even the Dragon Throne. Fate has thrown us together and together we have defeated the demon Ipsis. We work well together as will be revealed later on in the story. Paige As I alluded in the beginning of the book I met Paige first in the waking at my work place and we became fast friends . Paige is the friend that I've always wanted she sees me for who I really am. The last time I had a friend like this was in High School and I met my best friend at the time as candy striper at a hospital I volunteered at. The only difference is we connected it was like we've known each other for years not just a few months. I would discover later that it's because she is this world's version the only difference is that they took different paths. I Magus This Paige I met in the year 2005 and ever since then we've been good friends which is fine because as a country singer sings “A good friend and a glass of wine is all you need.” I met Paige the other world a few years later when I was finally able to cross the realties. Until then as I mentioned earlier on I was only able to travel to the Sacred City through my imagination and astral projection.(I know I said this before but please do not try to go there the Sacred City is well guarded by dragons who will not hesitate to harm you .) But for now it was okay since I had only to deal with the day to day problems and Nexus my spirit guide and adviser which I would find out later was always able to talk to me or contact through his email address at spirtguide@gmail. Work at the grocery store well tedious was going well because through it I was making and meeting old friends from high school and my previous job at Toys R US one who was a good friend who through it all she was always supportive of me and even though I had a bit of a crush on her we eventually became good friends. Also around this time I eventually gave up on trying to get an agent and decide trying to submit my screenplays and novels myself. Which is how I eventually would become known through one of the publishers I sent it out and through a public forum called You tube. I Magus As my work and career were progressing well. So was my spiritual goals learning from my first mentor how to start my own empire and how to be a good leader which I call in my book of shadows The Tao of the Demon aka Gene Simmons. You have to watch the show it 's called Gene Simmons Family Jewels. Finding a mentor can take years or months it all depends on the wizard . It took mew couple of times before I found him. My dream as a wiccan/wizard was always to surpass Merlin even though I haven't done that yet. I did have my first prophet dream when I was eighteen. I was standing in a cave and there was of a man in a wicker wheel chair I 'm pretty sure he was a Roosevelt and he was surrounded by children of all races. I have also taken the step he took by embracing the teachings of the bible even though I still believe in the Goddess. Life on the whole has been good to me. As I think back on it. The only loss was the suicide of a friend and acquaintance which drew me to be a better friend and to do my best to help others and protect them. As the code says “Protect the week from evil strong.” I Magus Chapter 3 On the Moon Beams and Paige 1. Around my 30th birthday I started realizing that I had new abilities on of which was I was able to tell where a person originates from by there accent as I grew older I gained others like psychic vampires I could tap into the energies around me . I actually learned this ability from a video game character called Darth Nihlus which I believe would eventually lead me to be able to what one of my favorite anthologies Magic the Gathering calls “Planes Walking” which is where we are now. 2. It was about this time that I was approached by an emissary from a land across the city which I learned was called Aegypt like the Roman used to spell it. It was here that I would find my apprentice and my best friend. Ah fate was a fickle mistress you are. It was here that I learned that the last king had made an alliance with them. As I listened I could see the benefits of this alliance as they had much to offer and we had much to give since they were interested in our coral and we could use their minerals for supplies. I Magus So as I was interested in this alliance I agreed to travel to meet their l leader and discuss the new terms of the alliance. So with Nexus by my side we headed out to Aegypt . The only thing I took with me at this time was my trusty staff since I did not for see any problems and we headed to the ship waiting for us at the harbor. As we sailed I felt that this trip was momentous in many ways even though I couldn't pinpoint why. 3. Egypt a land with rich history at least in my world it does. Here in this world that lies across from the Sacred City and as Nexus and I saw a land that resembles a land that of the old Egypt . As we entered I noted that the citizens of this Aegypt as they call it were dressed in the style of this time and as we walked towards the castle an emissary from the palace came to greet us. “Excuse me are you Magus.” he asked me as we were greeted. “Yes I am and this is my adviser Nexus.” I said introducing myself and Nexus. “Please follow me sir, they are waiting” he says and as we followed I turned to Nexus and said they because something didn't feel right. As we walked I noted that we were headed to an elaborate palace that resembled the Pyramids of Giza except they were all conjoined. I Magus As we entered I was awestruck as I took in the opulence and appalled as I saw how they treated some of their populace obviously it wasn't and exact mirror of ancient Egypt slavery was still live and well here, as I was soon to find out. As we entered I was taken back again by opulence. In the throne room was not one throne but several and in them sat the rulers of this world minus one the middle throne which held a symbol of the sun , as I saw this I realized these were the so called gods of Egypt but then I realized they weren't gods they were wizards no sorcerers like myself who using their powers and slight of hand skills over these people. “Kneel before the gods of Egypt .” a man standing in front cried out . “I think not.” I said preferring to stand. “It's alright we do not need to stand on formalities.” the god sitting next to the empty throne said which I can only can assume is Horus. “Please come in we have much to discuss it has been many years since we had dealings with the Sacred City.” Horus said and gestured for us to step forward. “Yes, yes it has.” I said agreeing with him. “She was originally mine .” a figure dressed in a black robe resembling Anubis from the Star Gate series. “Yes I know A pep , but she has the gift so now she serves Ra.” Horus says to him. As I listened to this I realized they were arguing as if this poor girl was a piece of property and as I realized this Nexus pointed to a figure just now entering. As I looked I couldn't believe it she resembled my best friend from the world I originally came from but I knew it couldn't be. I Magus “My name is Paige.” she said as she entered. “How can you treat her this way. You should be using your abilities to help them.” I told them disgusted with what I just witnessed. “How can we not. Aren't you doing the same thing? These people are ants compared to us.” A- pep says. “I cannot do trade with a nation or a world that deals in slavery.” I said abhorred. “Slavery these people get everything they could ever want, they have no worries or needs.” a lady sitting on the throne next to Horus said which I can only assume was Isis. “Yes but they have no free will. They have room to grow or evolve and become what destiny and God wants them to be.” I say as I help the girl up. “So I can assume then that this meeting is over.” Horus says. “Yes you can.” I tell him as I prepare to leave with Nexus and the girl. “Very well guards.” Horus says calling for the guards and dozens of royal guards enter the fray. “You do not want to do this.” I tell them. “Your magic will not work here.” a man sitting across from Isis says. “We shall see. Solaris.” I cry out activating one of my most potent spells and a bright flash of light bright as the sun itself flashes blinding the so called gods temporarily . “Come with me.” I tell her. “Why...why?” she asks . “Because you remind me of someone I know and I see great promise in you. “ I tell her as we rush to the ship and leave this accursed land . And on that day I vowed to put and end to wizards and sorcerers who would use there powers for their own gain. I Magus “Please sit.” I told her as I took a look at her back on the ship. “Sire are you sure this is wise.” Nexus asks me with concern. “Yes look at her . Isn't the resemblance remarkable.” I say as I heal her wounds. “Yes it is , but you realize, that they are going to come after her.” Nexus warns me. “Yes I know but don't worry. I won't let anyone hurt her. I vowed to protect her other self from harm and I'll do the same for her.” I tell him. “Yes but she isn't her. She may resemble her , but the environment and the path she took made her an entirely different person.” Nexus tries to explain to me. “You would have me left her there to be a slave.” I say not believing what I am hearing. “No but now you've made a powerful enemy.” Nexus says to me. “Yes I know, but if I did I would have gone against the code. You know “Protect the week from evil strong.””. I say quoting the code. “Alright I guess in that regard you did the right thing, but you can't protect her twenty-four seven.” Nexus tells me making it clear. “Um excuse I thank you for all you've done, but I can take care of my self.” Paige interjects as I turn to her and smile. “What?” she asks . “It 's just that my friend in the other world said the same thing at work once. It's remarkable how much you are like her.” I tell her. “Well I can.” she says. “Yes I am sure you can, but not against them. Nexus has a point but I am going to help you achieve your potential you are going to be my apprentice.” I tell her as we sail back to the Sacred City. I Magus As we near the city Paige looks at the city in wonder. “You never been this far away from Aegypt have you.” I ask her as we leave the ship and head to the castle. “So I take it thing didn't go well.” Maximus says greeting me. “No but I've decided not to have dealings with them after what we witnessed.” I tell him. 4. In the throne room. I sit down and rejuvenate via the heart stone as Paige takes it all in. “The statues represent the two worlds I think. On the left that's Greyskull one of the original Dragon Kings and the other represents heaven I think.” I tell her smiling still astounded by the resemblance. “There is much for you to learn, but for now you need rest.” I say and tell Nexus to take her to her chambers. “She certainly is beauty.” Maximus says as she leaves. “Yes not only that but she resembles my best friend from the other world.” I tell him thinking about that friendship. “In the morning we will begin her training in the arts.” I say and get up and head to my chambers behind the throne room. As I get ready to sleep Maximus enters . “Are you sure this is wise.” he asks. “I went over this with Nexus.” I tell him sighing. “It's just that it's only been a few years since you took up the throne, maybe it's not wise to make enemies so soon. “ Maximus says voicing his concerns. I Magus. I just hope you know what you're doing?” Maximus says leaving me as I remove my mask and head to bed. “In the morning I'll put Mischa and Grael on alert.” I tell him referring to my guardian dragons. Dawn comes early in the Sacred City as the two suns rise one from the east and the south east. As I head to throne room I see and Paige and greet her and remember the gift I have for her. “So how did you sleep.” I ask . “Okay I guess.” she says. “Oh before I forget I have something for you.” I tell her and ask her to follow me. In my bead chambers I reach under the bed and remove a box and open it. “What's this?” she asks. “Your wand you're going to need it when we begin your lessons. “It's a replica of a wand from a young wizard. I thought it appropriate.” I tell her handing it to her. “Thank you . What 's this though.” Paige says taking the wand and seeing the paper. “It's the Wizard's Code. It's a code all wizards should practice. It's important that you follow it. Now come on there's plenty of work to do.” I say as we head outside. Outside I walk up to the fountain with a dragon and tap it. “Awake Grael you are needed.” I say and the statues eyes open. “Mmm what can I do for you today?” Grael ask now awake. “Paige meet Grael.” I say as I see she is startled. “Grael is a stone dragon as you can see by the color of his skin. That 's why he is such an efficient guardian.” I explain to her. “I see I'm sorry he just startled me.” she says. “We might have some unexpected visitors.” I tell him. “I see from where?” Grael asks. I Magus “From across the sea.” I tell him. “I see do not worry they won't get far.” Grael says and resumes his sleep. “Just one more” I tell her I head to the west tower. As we approach I put my fingers in my mouth and whistle and Mischa comes down. “My lord?” she asks. “We may have some guests from across the sea.” I tell her. “I see I will keep watch.” she says and flies back up to her tower. Later on back in throne room as I listen to Nexus's report. “So is that all.” I ask . “My lord.” Nexus says questioningly. “I have other duties to attend too. I have to start Paige's training.” I say. “Well yes but some of this is important.” Nexus says. “I'll attend to it later.” I tell him and head to my magick chamber where Paige is waiting. Inside Paige is looking at the discs and statues. “This is where I do my spells and exercise.” I say and wave my hand and the candles held in the statutes hands lite up. “The statues represent an element and aspect of our selves. In the north is the Star Barer. So take up your wand and say I call to the North in the name of Star Barer he who drinks from the well of spirit and emotion. Pointing your wand at the statue.” I tell her. Paige following my instructions and repeats what I told to her to do. “Good now face south and I call upon the Demon Lord of the waste lands bringer of doom and destruction.” I tell her and she does it again following my instructions. “Excellent your a quick learner now face west and say I call to the west in the name of the Beast King Lord of the Hunt and protector of natures pride then face east and say I call to the east in the name of Celestial scion of the cosmos and keeper of the universal balance.” I tell her and she does exactly that. I Magus “Good now you do the spell you intend to do. So face north and raise your wand. We'll start you off with a simple banishing spell. So face north and say. I banish you from this time and place now begone and out of my face. And repeat it three time with the name of the person or entity you wish to banish. So who should it be oh I know and I write a name on a sheet of paper and hand it to her.” I tell her and she takes the piece of paper and does the spell. “Good very good. Now all you have to do is thank the elements for watching over you so face north and say I thank the Star Barer for watching over me this night. And then do the same with each direction.” I tell her and she proceeds to do it.”Excellent I believe were done for now tomorrow we'll move on to some new lessons.” I tell her and we the leave the chambers. 5. In the throne room I take care of some business at hand as Maximus drags in a disheveled person and throws into the silver circle on the floor. I tap my staff on the circle and it is activated and sit down and listen to what he has to say. “Well what do you have to say for yourself” I say scratching my chin. “Who are you why I am here.” he asks confused. “Let's just say I used to work for you and as to why you are here, you have been charged with a serious crime.” I tell him leaning forward on the throne. “And what's that? I haven't done anything wrong.” he says. “Oh really so you don't think discrimination is wrong.” I say a little annoyed. “I have not . I don't think so at least.” he says. “You treated me like a child and once more you abused you position to set unfair rules.” I say stressing my point I forgot how he made me feel. I Magus. “Ted?” he asks. “Yes it's me but here I am Magus.”I say leaning back. “Since when is discrimination against the law.” he asks. “In the world he both came from it's not but here it is.” I tell him nodding to Nexus to write it down. “I don't understand why am I here and where is here.” he asks stepping forward and being stopped by the circle. “That's not important . Let's just say this is a realty apart from ours but right next to it.” I tell him. “I never treated you unfairly Ted .” he says “Oh really not by my point of view and other's felt the same way. So by the power invested in me by the dragon throne I hear by sentence you to life imprisonment.” I tell him and nod to Maximus to take him away. “Wait ! Isn't this bit harsh.” he says struggling against Maximus. “Be lucky I don't have you executed. Here discrimination is a serious offense.” I say to him and adjourn for the day. In my private chambers I relax before I take up pen and parer and continue to work on the Chronicles.” So there are other worlds ?” Paige asks coming in. “Yes . There are many other worlds. See this tree it's a called a banzai tree as you trim one branch off another grows. It 's what a lot of us use to associate with what we call the multiverse.” I tell her. “I see.” she says beginning to understand. “And in some worlds what happens there has consequences in another.” I explain. “I think I understand. So if something had happened here something worse happens there.” she says mulling it over. “Yes exactly.” I tell her. I Magus “So like some wars and such originated or in another world.” she says. “Yes sadly that is so. Which is why the code and laws here are important, because they reflect there. Do you understand?” I ask her. “Yes I think so.” she says . “Good oh that reminds me. Nexus.” I shout calling for him. “Yes my lord.” he says appearing. “Take this down. From this point on nicotine is illegal and anyone caught smoking cigarettes will be judged appropriately and anyone sells them will be treated as a dealer.” I tell him “As you wish sire.” he says writing it down. “Good .” I tell him as I take up my note book and quill and head my private library to do some writing. As I head down to the library Maximus catches up to me. “So did she settle down.” I ask. “Yes . About this boss of yours the spells you tried seem to have no effect on him.” he comments. “Yes it is odd. It makes me wonder if a person can be immune to magick as they are to an illness. That's why this course of action was the only recourse.” I tell him. “Did he recognize you when you took him?” I ask curious. “Yes I think so he's actually never seen me, but when he saw me it was like he knew me. He kept on saying he didn't do anything wrong.” Maximus tells me. “Yes when they know they've been caught. Denial is the first thing they do.” I say shaking my head as I enter the library and sit down and lite a fire and start to write. I Magus 6. As the fire dies and I look at my watch I realize that I have been writing for almost the whole night. This seems to happen a lot since I started writing. It's like I am there seeing it all happen . I can feel the soil under my feet and hear what they are saying. At this moment I am working on I Magus which is a combination of my story and the histories.5 As I get to leave dousing the fire and putting my writing away in the hidden room Paige knocks and enters. “Hello.” she says meekly. “Paige . Did you have a good night?” I ask happy to see her. “Good get Maximus to take you to the promenade for some brunch I 'll meet you there shortly.” I tell her. “So what exactly are you writing about ?” she asks taking an orange. “Nothing really just the histories.” I tell her taking a croissant. “My lord we have guest.” Nexus says coming up to me and interrupting us. “Really that shouldn't happen. Who are they?” I ask. “A pharaoh Sekmet and his scribe.” Nexus tells me. “So the so called gods of Egypt dare to come and send one of there servants.” I say not the least bit surprised. “You'll excuse me, but this has to be dealt with. I'll meet you in my magick chambers for your next exercise.” I say and follow Nexus to the throne room. I Magus As I enter the throne room the Pharaoh and the scribe are commenting on the decor. “So what do I have the honor of this visit.” I say sitting down on the throne. “We are here to bargain for the girl you took.” Pharaoh Sekmet says. “You mean Paige. I 'm afraid I can't do that . You see I have taken her under my wing as of now she is my apprentice so your out of luck.” I tell them making sure that it's clear that she is not an object. “My master were afraid you would say this. So they told me to tell you that if you did not release her you would regret it..” he says. “Is that a threat if it is tell them that they can try but this city has survived worse than them.”I tell them and then dismiss them making sure that they understand that the discussion is over. “The arrogance eh.” I say to Maximus as they leave. “Yes my lord but they'll be back.” Maximus replies. “Yes I know .I've already taken precautions.” I tell him and get up and head to my magick chambers to begin Paige's next lesson. “They were here for me weren't they?” Paige says as I enter. “Yes but don't worry they can try their worst this city has survived far worse. Maybe I should give you a bit of a history lesson before I begin..” I tell her and I take her to the throne room. I Magus Back at the throne room I pick up my book of shadows and gesture for her to sit down and I open it to the first page with the time line. “The Dragon Throne has been here since time memorial. The city has been here just as long even though in the beginning it looked quite different I say pointing to the time line. The first human king ruled just after the dragon wars and the original king died. Some of us speculate that the Hydra statue behind the throne is in the original dragon king.” I tell her pointing out the statue. “Any ways after the dragon wars or so I read that the throne sought a new king and thus the first human dragon king was sired.” I tell her pointing to a portrait on the wall. “Why does he have legs like a horse?” Paige asks curious. “Yes I was getting to that.” “Oh sorry.” she says apologizing. “Oh don't be for only through asking questions and curiosity can we learn.” I tell her. “So as to answer your question. Since the throne had it's first mortal dragon king but as most dragons live longer than us. The throne had a quandary here was this mortal with the life span compared to the last king that of a may fly. Now you have to understand that the throne is sentient not like us though more like a plant or animal. I guess you could say it's more instinctual than anything else. So as the first of my kind to sit on the throne and take up the reigns of the dragon king it did what it does naturally it adapted and read his spirit enhancing his abilities and traits, and as he sat on the throne he became more than he ever was and as one of my favorite fictional character states. “He became less human and more divine.” And over the years of his reign and did not age naturally he changed differently a his inner animal began to show on the outside.” I tell her. I Magus. “You mean his animal spirit.” she asks “Yes exactly.” I tell her and remove my mask and show her my face for the first time and she gasps as she sees my scales. “As you can see it's already happening to me and I've only ruled for a few years.” I say replacing my mask. “So that's how the first dragon king came about?” she asks. “Yes at least the first human dragon king.” I tell her. “So how long have you been on the throne?” she asks curious. “Not long . We rule a thousand years then the throne chooses a new king.” I tell her. “That long how is that possible?” she asks. “ Ah yeses as I stated earlier our life span is nothing compared to that of a dragon.” I tell her. “So what happened to change that?” “The throne did it did what it did before it adapted using the power of the heart stone, it made it so we remain young a bit longer. Although I don't look it I am actually in my thirties, but I pass for someone in their late teens or early twenties.” I explain. “But your scales.” she says. “Yes but Maximus and I are unique. I am the first were dragon to appear in a thousand years.” I explain. “The last of my kind served Greyskull my lady.” Maximus tells her looking at the statue of Greyskull. “It's getting late and there's plenty to do in the morning. We'll continue your lessons tomorrow.” I say and head to bed. I Magus 7. Morning comes and as I get ready for Paige's lesson and the daily tasks. Things in Egypt come to ahead. “How dare he . She is ours.” Apep says. “I agree with you it's time we show this new dragon king that we are not to be trifled with.” Horus says agreeing with him and claps his hands. From the shadows an apparition emerges. “It's time to show him just how powerful and how week he really is.” Horus says and sends it off. As this is happening I was getting things ready to go and teach Paige the next step. “Halt you cannot enter.” Maximus says seeing the representative. “Who is it Maximus?” I ask picking up my book of shadows curious what the commotion is. “You. How dare you come back here.” I says annoyed. “Forgive me for returning but I thought I should warn you that my masters have sent one of their most powerful creatures.” he says to me. “Oh what is that?” I say growing curious . “It's hard to say it has never been fully seen.” he says . “Well I thank you for this, but you have no reason to fear I can handle my self.” I say to him dismissing him and head to my magick chambers to meet with Paige. Outside the sky's darken and from the east an ominous shadow appears as it does Grael awakens and as he does I sense his awakening in my mystical chambers. “Ted?” she asks.”I'm afraid we might have to halt this lesson for today.” I tell her taking up my staff and heading outside. I Magus Outside the shadow reaches the palace as I come out. “What is it?” Grael asks. I close my eyes and reach out with my wizards sight trying to get a feel for it. “It seems to be made up of all them. It's like a character I read about in the Necronomicon” I say. “Yes but I sense no intelligence.” Maximus says coming from the castle and drawing his sword ready to defend me and fight. “Yes I sense that too. These wizards have no sense of right and wrong. This creature could not just destroy us but everything else too.” I say and it attacks us as it does I quickly touch my ring and activate my shield spell I have placed on it. “How do we stop it if it has no form?” Maximus ask raising his sword to block the attack. “We just have to try.” I say and activate my light spell. “Solaris.” I shout and the the orb at the end of my staff glows like a small sun as I hope that the spell will repel it. As I watch it approach and hope my theory is right that since it's made of shadow and darkness my spell will work but as I approach it swerves and attack Maximus instead. “What!How?” I say astonished. “Instinct do you think.” Maximus ask dodging it's attack. “Yes that would make sense since it has no intelligence just like an animal swerving to avoid danger, but I think it scents something too.” I say and then we both realize who it smells. “Paige “ we both say together and I quickly hurry to the castle to protect her. I Magus “What's going on?” Paige ask. “It's not here for us it's here for you.” I tell her. “What how?” she asks. “Come on.” I tell her and I lead her to throne room grabbing a red and white candle and take Paige there. “Step inside.” I tell her pointing to the circle on the floor and activating the circle. I quickly light the candles and start the protection spell. “That should hold it off for a while.” I say as I finish the chant and prepare for battle. Outside Maximus is fending off the creature as well as can be expected. “How goes it?” I ask coming out to help. “Not well. I don't know how much longer I can hold if off.” he says as it comes at him. I quickly raise my staff and call upon my lightning spell hoping to injure it and draw it's attention away from the caslte. “She going to be ok?” Maximus ask. “She'll be fine. I put her in the circle and used one of my most powerful protection spells.” I say as I cast my lightning spell as it strikes it does not hit it but passes right through like a cloud in the sky. “Dang didn't even phase it.” I swear and and eerie laugh comes from the creature as the face of Apep appears. “Ha ha do you think you could win? Now face the fate of all who defy us.” he says and the face vanishes and the creature comes at us full force. As I watch it come I realize that it's like a giant cloud or smoke. “I have an idea, but it has to be done in the castle.” I say and rush towards the castle. I Magus Inside I quickly head to my mystical chamber hoping that Maximus can hold his own for a while. As I enter I light the candles with a wave of my hand and step inside the pentacle. I quickly turn to the page in my book of shadows and start the summoning. Outside Maximus is fending off the creatures attack when in the sky clouds suddenly appear distracted the creature attacks. “Arg!” Maximus says grabbing his arm and looking up at the creature as it comes in for the kill. Inside as I finish the summoning I hear the wind giants come. “What do you want mortal.” They ask . “Here my lords I beseech of you banish the darkness that assails my castle and send the wizard that controls the darkness to a place where he can do no harm ever again.” I ask of them. “Is that all puny mortal it shall be done.” they say and vanish. Outside as Maximus prepares to accept his destiny from the North and South a strong wind comes moaning with the wails of lost souls. The Wind Giants arrive with roaring rage and descend on the creature. Seeing them come the creature tries to flee and but the Wind Giants tear it up and head across the sea stirring up the sea as they cross it. At the palace of the so called Egyptian gods Horus first hearing the winds looks up in fear as the wind giants tear at the palace trying to get to him. Foolishly he steps out and challenges the winds. “Begone foul winds I am the son of Ra.” he says arrogantly but the Wind Giants just laugh and swoop down and enter him as he struggles to breath and they leave with his soul as he wails in agony. I Magus. As I step outside and see that the dark clouds have disappeared and from the distance I swear I could hear the howl of pain from the soul as the Wind Giants take his spirit away to the far corners of the earth. “You okay.” I ask helping him up. “Yes I'll be fine.” Maximus says holding his injured arm. “Come on let's get that arm fixed . I also should see how Paige is fairing.” I say as we head back to the palace. Inside as we head to the throne room. Paige has her own problems. “Well, well all wrapped up for me. How nice.” Apep says . “Go away your not really here.” Paige says to the image of Apep. “True but we'll meet soon enough.” he says and vanishes. “Paige you alright. What's going on here?” I ask coming in. “Nothing now he's gone.” Paige says to me. “So it would seem that I need to put some better defenses for the castle.” I says mulling it over and scratching my chin as I remove the spell so she can step out. The next morning I start putting up wards. “Here take this.” I tell her handing her a bag of hurbs. “Follow me and sprinkle them in all the corners of the castle and say bless this house and all who live in it.” I tell her as I lead her to the first and as she does what I asked I remove a vase from my pack and a bottle of wine with a flower arrangement and set up the first ward. “What's that?” she asks “A warding spell I learned from a book.” I explain taking the next vase and heading to the next room. I Magus Outside while Paige and I are setting up wards Maximus is retraining himself. “Ugh.” Maximus grunts as he fends off a training mannequin with his uninjured arm. “Hmm.” Maximus says thoughtfully trying to master his sword with his other hand and removes his robe and flexes all four of his arms and step into a particular stance as I come out to see how he is. “I've never seen this form before .” I tell him as I sit down and watch. “It's an ancient form of martial arts my people invented that utilizes all four limbs. Fight me.” Maximus says challenging me . “I could use some sparing right now.” I tell him as I take off my robe and enter into my own stance. Maximus circles and paces watching for an opening as I wait and see what he is going to do . Maximus comes at me with a swift kick, anticipating it I block it and come at him with a combo but Maximus blocks with his left and comes in with another arm. I avoid the first but not the other as it connects and kicks me back as I try to regain my balance and try to anticipate the next move, but Maximus comes in with a combo attack kicking with his leg and punching with the other. Flipping over as I prepare to to defend myself Maximus uses a move made famous by a wrestler on the WWE. “Okay I give up I”m glad your on my side.” I say as he helps me up. “That move you got that from a wrestler didn't you.” I say rubbing my head. “Actually he got it from us.” Maximus says grinning. “I see well you seem to be okay.” I say as we walk towards the castle. “So how's Paige doing?” he asks. “A little shaken but I think the protection we put up in the castle will help her feel a little safer.” I tell him as we head to the kitchen for a drink. I Magus 8. “Fool” Apep says looking at the corpse of Horus and kicking it. “But fear not my friend your sacrifice will not go unanswered.” Apep says grinning and signaling for some slaves to carry him to his ritual chambers. Inside the ritual a priest of Anubis prepares the body . “I think not.” Apep says and sends him away. “But my lord with out proper ceremony he won't be able to pass on to the after life” the priest says.”Fool he has no ka now begone I have other plans for him.”Apep says and dawns a black robe that resembles the robe of a priest but a twisted version of it. Taking out a grimore Apep starts the ritual by placing bees wax candles around the body and placing a scarab beetle in his mouth the symbol of Ra and immortality and starts to read from the book. “Hear my oh Lords of Chaos bring this loyal servant back to life as one of your chosen. In the name of Ra so let it be.” Apep says grinning and waits. As he waits a dark winds blows through the chamber and the candles flicker. As he watches the body starts to stir and at last rise as Horus comes back tolife. “Welcome back brother.” Apep says and laughs as one of his servants dress the former god in the garments of a soldier of Ra. I Magus 9. In the kitchen I take some wine and poor some for Maximus and I as we adjourn to the library. “So you know they are not going to give up that easily.” Maximus says sipping his wine. “Oh I know but we have time now.”I say examining the skull. “I always wondered where you got that?” Maximus asks. “I found it when I first arrived. It was next to the statue of Ipsis.” I says to him. “You mean the statue that marks the Dark Realm.” he says. “Around about there.” I tell him. “We know so little of the Dark Realm. Just what the mad Arab wrote and what others have testified too.” Maximus comments on it. “Yes but consider yourself lucky what we know is it's a place that we would not like to tread lightly.” I remind him. Later on back in my chambers as I study my book of shadows I think it might be wise to to explore a bit of the dark realm after we have dealt with the problem across the sea.. As I think about this Paige knocks and enters. “Um forgive me but I was wondering if you were willing to teach me some more.” she asks. “Oh of course forgive I was just lost in thought.” I tell her picking up the blank note book for her and heading to the magick chamber. I Magus Inside I light the candles “So we've covered the basics so how about I teach you some scrying methods. As I remove my tarot cards from a shelf I remember the note book and hand it to her. “Before we start this is for you. This is your book of shadows in it you can write any spell or rituals you find or anything else you find that maybe of use.” I say to her and gesture for her to sit down in front of me. As she sits down I take out the cards and explain. “Now I need to explain to you that Tarot cards are not an exact science and the they only give you option and choices showing the paths you may choose. They are more for advice then for telling the future.” I tell her. “So shuffle the cards and a card that represents you. If I were doing myself I would choose the magician as an example but you need to choose one that best represents you. My advice is you choose the fool . The fool represents a young man or woman who is just starting on a journey.” I tell her as she takes the fool from the deck and lays it on the table. “Good now the first six cards represent the path you are taking now. So lay them down.” I say to her and she does and as she lays them down I see what I expected that the path is going to be full of trails but the last card is the Aeon which is good since it represent hope and good fortune. “This is good it means it mean that you will have learned a lot and grown.” I explain to her pointing to the last card. “Okay now we lay down seven other cards right next to it. These represent the path you could've taken.” I tell her bracing my self for what is to come as she lays down the last seven cards with the last being the death card. “I...I don't want to see this.” she says as she lays down the last card. I Magus “It's okay.” I say taking her and turning the last card. “What does it mean?” she asks “It means change for good or bad, but coupled with the other cards I think it means death.” I tell her gently. “I don't want to see this.” she says. “It's okay now that you've seen what could've been you can move on. Knowledge is power is Paige.” I tell her as I put the cards away. “That's enough for today go get some rest and we'll start again the next day.” I tell her as we the chambers. As I put the cards away I decide to do one to see what I should do next and to see what the fates have in store for me. As I take out the card that represents me the magician I feel the winds of fate as I begin to lay the cards out before me. As I lay down the first six cards I see my future laid out for me from the battle to come to what is to come.6 Most of it I already know but as I lay down the final seven cards I see a future that could've been. As I lay down the last card I see a future that is unresolved and maybe death as my inner dragon takes control. Things that I already know too because there was a point in my life that I was just happy being ordinary. As I leave the ritual room and head to my chambers upstairs and the throne room Maximus approaches me . “Um we may have a problem some one is waiting for you in the throne room.” he says as I look at him a bit annoyed as I just want to go to bed. “I know but he's from them.” Maximus hints at and I head to the throne room. I Magus Inside stand there is a creature I have seen before called the soldiers of Ra and I assume that he is the messenger. “Well what do your lords have to say now.” I say sitting down and as I do I feel the heart stone revitalizing me as I sit and listen to this fool. “My lords are not intimidated my your witchery or magick, and state again too return what is theirs.” he says as I lean back and consider this. “Witchery you say.” I say smiling as I see that he is standing in the binding circle.”No I think not, and as for my witchery as they call it you can tell them I have a lot more then that one spell in my arsenal.” I tell him. “You fool we tried to reason with you but you obviously won't listen so , so be it the deaths of many are on your hands.” Apep says speaking through the Soldier of Ra and leaves the body and it just becomes a lifeless mummy.. “Did you recognize him?” Maximus asks “Yes I believe I do. Horus I believe. And the person speaking through him was Apep.” I tell him. “What happened to him?” Maximus asks. “If I were to guess. I'd say that he was the one that sent the dark cloud after us and paid the price.” I guess scratching my chin and then exiting through the door to my chambers. In my chambers I remove my mask and look in the mirror thinking back on how I got here from a lowly store clerk to a famous author and respected wizard and leader. Looking at the pictures of me and my best friend and my other friends I sit down in my chair and take out my iphone and dial her up not knowing if it will work I wait as the phone rings and hear the familiar recording and I leave a message and head to bed. I Magus Morning comes and with it new problems as I prepare for Paige's next lesson I hear a commotion in the throne room. As I enter the throne room I see the Soldier of Ra has come to life again. “Stop!” I say holding up my hand and walk up to it and watch. “Speak!” I say to it hoping it will work but instead it draws it's weapon”So it starts here.” I say and activate the circle. “Foolish of your masters to not realize that I wouldn't have defenses in place.” I tell it as it tries to get at me through the circle . As I watch I note that something is behind it's helm. “Could it be.” I muse as I take a closer look. “What is it?” Maximus asks. “I've been studying golems because I think it would be handy to have one.” I say and examine him more closely. As I take a closer I see what I noticed before that it's helm is covering something up. “Very clever.” I say to myself and cast a lowlevel binding spell and carefully step inside the circle. “My lord is that wise?” Maximus ask worried. I raise my hand to tell to be patient and trust me and carefully approach the Soldier of Ra and take off the helm. As I do Maximus gasps seeing what I am seeing the Egyptian symbol for life the ankh on his forehead etched in blood. “Smart figuring out the helm could cover up the mark preventing anyone from tampering with it.” I say and remove and it just becomes a lifeless mummy again as I use a fireball spell to incinerate him. I Magus “How did you know?” Maximus asks . “The change in him. Before he acted like an avatar holding the spirit and message. Now he acted as I read about them in Jewish Folklore. They are basically soulless automatons.” I tell him. “So what was it's purpose do you think.” Maximus asks thinking out loud. “Isn't it obvious Apep said it himself . The blood of many will be on our hands. He was here to wreck havoc on the city and us.” I say as we clean up the mess. Later on as I head up to teach Paige her next lesson. I consider the ramifications and think maybe it would be wise to hold off on the lessons and have her learn another way. “So I'm ready.” Paige says anxious to learn another lesson holding her book of shadows. “Actually I'm taking the lesson in a new direction.” I tell her. “Oh did I do something wrong?” Paige asks worried. “No it nothing like that. It's just with this battle ahead I think maybe we should off on the practical and take it on the field.” I explain grabbing my staff and heading to the throne room. “So what are our options.” I say taking my seat and leaning back on the throne. “Well obviously they are not going to go away. “ Maximus says. “Yes that's true, but we have to be careful .” I warn. “No we don't want another war, because what happens here happens in the other realty. Remember the Dragon War sparked the American Civil War.” Maximus says. “Yes I know who knows what this has already sparked.” I say wondering what is happening there. “Excuse me but maybe I should just surrender to them.” Paige suggest. “No, out of the question.” I says not even considering that option. I Magus “Is there a another option.” Paige asks “Hmm good question.” I say scratching my chin. “The only way I see is to see what happens next.” Maximus. “Agreed and to proceed with caution.” I say and we proceed to discuss or next strategy. 10. “So they should have learned their lesson now?” Apep says leaning back smugly in his chair. “We'll see do not be so foolish learn from Horus's mistake.” Isis says. “Who's being foolish my golem should have taken care of them by now.” Apep tells her annoyed at her attitude towards her. “We shall see.” Isis answers back and doesn't say another word. “And where did you get that scroll anyway.” Osiris says entering the royal chambers. “Lord Osiris when did you arrive back.” Apep says a bit fearful as Osiris enters the royal chambers. “When I felt the death of my brother Horus.” Osiris answers him looking at him directly. “Yes it was such a loss.” Apep say insincerely. “Stop your lies What you did was sacrilege turning one of us into a Soldier of Ra.” Osiris says to him. “You know.” Apep says in shock. “Oh yes when you violated my sanctum to get that scroll I knew. Your lucky I don't punish you for this transgression. The power over life and death is mine to controll.” Osiris says to him. “What were we to do Osiris? He stole one our servants let it pass us by.” Apep says annoyed at the way he is being treated. “I agree that maybe the new dragon king should not have done that, but what you have done is far worse. I never agreed with the council's vote to nominate you. You have violated the thing we have all agreed on.” Osiris says. “Maybe you did but I didn't .” Apep says and leaps off the throne and grabs Osiris choking him. I Magus Isis seeing that her mate is in trouble calls for the royal guards who immediately come . “How dare you!” Osiris says catching his breath. “It is obvious we made a grave error you one of us.”Isis says helping Osiris up. “Yes I agree. So we are in agreement.” Osiris says rubbing his neck. “Yes, you are here by banished for you actions. Now be gone.” Isis says to him. “Fine but I'll be back. Mark my words.” Apep says and leaves the throne room. As he exits the royal palace a crow perched on a obelisk flies off after he leaves. In the throne room I sit and listen to the suggestions. “A frontal assault might be best.” Maximus suggest. “Hmm. I don't know these wizards are nothing to sneeze at if you catch my drift.” I tell him thinking it over. “Paige what can you tell us.” I ask her. “Well nothing much they rule by fear through their trickery and wizardry.” Paige tells me. “Hmm that might be the answer. Brute strength might not work but gile and cunning might be the answer.” I says musing the situation over. As I sit and think it through Sebastien my familiar enters and lands on the throne. “Caw.” he says to meas I feed him some beef jerky. “So Apep has been banished from the triad.” I say as I scratch under his beak. “It's still amazing that you understand him.” Maximus says to me. “It's not hard to understand. It's just another language. Raven speak and Crow speak is pretty simple they speak with inflictions and emotions each caw and squawk mean something .” I explain to him. “So Apep has been banished.” Maximus says. “It would seem so.” I say putting Sebastion on his perch. :So how do we proceed now.” Paige asks. “Well I get the sense that he was the strongest. With him gone we might be able to rally the people to our cause.” I tell them thinking it over. “A revolt clever.” Maximus says. I Magus “Yes it might just work.” I say and dismiss them for now as I concentrate on how best to proceed. Chapter 4 A battle to end all battles. There is nothing to fear but fear itself. -FDR 1. As morning approaches I meet with Maximus and Paige infront of the castle . “So here's what we're going to do. We're going to take a page from the Star Gate movie and show them that they are not gods at all but sorcerers using their magic to enslave them.” I tell them outside as we prepare to leave. “And how are we going to do that?” Maximus asks skeptically. “Paige and I are going to do some tricks and spells of our own.” I say to him. Paige looks at me worried since she is still learning. “Relax you'll do fine.” I tell her as we head to the docks and the boat to Egypt. I Magus 2. Egypt. The last time I was here I was invited now as we arrive I am not so sure. There is an eerie feeling in the air as if a new presence is here. “Something is different.” I say as we enter the main part of the empire. The people look more subservient and forlorn as if their will has been sucked out of them. “Well it's your show.” Maximus says, as head on to the palace. As we get closer I notice a young boy no more than twelve begging for food and I reach into my pack and hand him some bread as he eats I see that how he has been mistreated and I treat his wounds and tell him to go to the ship and wait there. Now with more conviction I step up to the fountain in front of the palace and raise my had to get their attention. “People hear me! These so called gods are not gods but sorcerers using your fears against you.” I shout but they all look away and go about their business trying not hear what I am saying. Maximus looks at me and shakes his head and I turn to Paige and nod. Paige seeing that it's time reaches into her robe and draws her wand and cast a lightning spell. As they see this the look in fear and kneel before her. “No get up we are not gods just wizards. Listen they are not gods, but sorcerers all these so called powers are just spells any wizard or sorcerer can do. I can do the same.” I tell them. “It's time to fight back and take back what is yours . You can do it . You can fight them..” Maximus adds. As he says this they start to realize the truth and start shouting. I Magus. “Paige here was once one of you, but she shook off the fear and now is her own person.” I say putting my arm around her. “It's time to fight back!” Maximus shouts. “Now get anything that can be used as a weapon and follow us to the palace.” I tell them and lead them to the palace. As I say this and they follow some one says. “I admit . I'm impressed I didn't think you would be successful after I literally took the will right out of the peasants.” he says and steps forwards By his opulence of his dress I assume that he is Osiris the last of the pantheon this is the presence I felt. If the legends are true about him then he is too be feared which means he is nearly indestructible. As he steps forward a stone a stone is throne at him but with a wave of his hand the stone just falls and the peasant is defeated. “I see you have brought her back thank you. Now I suggest you leave.” Osiris says and gestures for Paige to come to him. “No I am not your servant anymore.” Paige says and stands by my side. “Oh I see.” Osiris says smugly . “She is no longer yours.” I tell him and cast a spell. “Oh please your spells cannot possibly hurt me.” he says and says a word in Egyptian and the spell is just deflected. “I am far more powerful then you can possibly imagine.” Osiris boasts. “Oh really but you are still mortal as the choke marks on your neck attest too.” Maximus says as Osiris touches his neck. “He caught me by surprise.” Osiris says defending himself. I Magus “Do you see they are not gods and even now their rule is shaken and challenged by one of their own.” I tell them. Maximus seeing my ploy and brandishes Heaven's Bane and shouts trying to get the populace aroused. “That won't work.” Isis says and grins and uses her staff and summons a snake bigger than I've ever seen. The populace seeing the snake cowers in fear at the site. Knowing this trick as Ramses did it to Moses . I take my staff and imagine the snake from the movie Anaconda and tap my staff on the ground and the snake appears and attacks Isis's snake. As mine attacks the illusion wavers and disappears . “An illusion, Isis please.” I say and banish my snake. Osiris looks her way and glares calling up a thunder storm. I just smirk and raise my staff and call up my antistorm spell and the clouds vanish. Annoyed Osiris draws his sword and steps in front and blocks his attack. “If you want a fight then fight me.” Maximus says and Osiris smiles and says “If that is what you wish.” he says. As they fight I turn my attention to Isis , but Paige puts a hand on my shoulder. “No this is my fight .” she says and draws her dagger. I Magus As they fight I decide to check out the palace and see what I can find. As I enter I notice that they are working hard removing Apep's name from the walls. At least in that respect this Egypt is the same as ours. Outside I can here the battle going on as Maximus battles with Osiris. “Ugh! Is that all all you got.” Maximus says countering Osiris's move. “Your death is inevitable and when that happens I'll adorn your head on a pike as an example.” Osiris says and comes at him with is his sword raised. “We shall see won't we to phrase Magus.” Maximus says and hearing that I smile and move on. As I explore I note the throne room and decide toe get a better look. As I approach the guards steps forth and halt my progress. As I approach I note the resemblance to the golem we encountered at home and decide not to bother as I move on. “So my little slave you think you can best me.” Isis says. “I'm not the same person I've grown and changed. I will never be your slave again.” Paige says defiantly. “You know this would be much easier if you just gave up. Your not a fighter your a healer.” Isis says trying to reason with her. “That's changed too. Thanks to Magus's teachings I am more than I once was.” Paige says to her. “Maybe but when I am through with you. You'll be be less than that and our servant once again and glad to do any menial task.” Isis says smugly as she comes in and tries to get her, but Paige grabs her wrist and pulls her toward her self and takes her down. “Now what was that.” Paige says. “Oh you'll pay for that .” Isis says sweeping and knocking her down. I Magus As Paige fights for her life . Inside the palace I note a set of double doors that resemble the doors of the throne room and as I examine them more closely I see the image of Thoth the Ipsis headed god of Knowledge and Arithmetic and enter to discover a library. As I enter I am amazed as the library nearly mirrors my own as hundreds of scrolls and books line the shelves. As I examine the books and scrolls I see a figure bent over a book and note the elaborate costume and surmise this must be Thoth the last of the pantheon. “May I help you.” he asks and then notices who I am. “You I heard about you.” he says and draws a wicked looking wand. “That wand where did you get that?” I ask seeing the wand and recognizing it as the wand that belonged to Aleister Crowley . “Your not the only one that can travel between realms.” he says waving at the many books. And then I see where he got a lot of the books. “Look I don't want to fight you at least not here.” I say not wanting to damage the books. “Agreed and then I will show you just how powerful I am.” he says and he waves his wand and we are in the court yard. “A translocation spell impressive . I've been hoping to find one soon.” I tell him. “Hmm well now you have but you'll never have a chance to use it a pity.” Thoth says and cast a spell and the world goes dark. I Magus “Illuminati” I say lighting the orb on my staff. From the darkness I hear a laugh. “How do you like my eclipse spell.” he says and from the darkness something attacks me. As I turn to defend my self and see. But I am too late and I thank God and Skorn for the enchantments on my mask for if I didn't I would be dead. As I analyze the situation I see what he did two spells one to turn day into night and one to summon a creature while he recovers for the next attack. As I get the idea I can sense the creature pacing in the dark and I close my eyes and reach out with my wizards sight and see him kneeling in a far corner . Smiling I open my eyes just as the creature attacks “Pyro .” I shout and shoot a fire ball at the general direction the creature came from. “Impressive but draining what are you going to do now that your creature is defeated.” I say grinning behind my mask. “If you think that's all I got you don't know me well enough. I am the God of Knowledge.” he says boasting and from the darkness a bolt of lightning comes at me which I easily deflect with my staff. “No your just an arrogant sorcerer who has the populace believing you are.” I say and take out an amulet with a dragon holding an orb and say a word in the tongue of dragons and night turns into day. I Magus As The darkness dispatches I see him for what he is. As his magic has taken it's toll on him. “Look at me see the price I paid.” he says. As I get a good look at him I see him for what he is. In a way he resembles those reanimated mummies that guard the throne room except for his eyes that hold an keen intelligence almost all knowing as they look my way. “I do not pity you Thoth. You made this choice.” I say as I watch him. “And you shouldn't I am now second to none except for Osiris.” he says and from his hands flames of blackness shoot out at me. I quickly dodge and activate my ring just as they touch. “How long do you think you can hold out my power overshadows yours by far.” he says and begins to chant. “Ia , Ia Cthuhlu , Ia Ia Cthuhlu nat fit gan.” he chants and I realize just what he's up too and thank god for my dragon amulet . For as the chant ends tentacles reach out from the sky and try to grab me. I quickly recite the spell activating the charm on the amulet and as the tentacles reach out for me a roar is heard and the guardian appears a red dragon appears intercepting them spouting flames of pure white and a a scream of pain is heard as the tentacles retreat. “Not bad for a mortal. I am curious where did you get that amulet.” Thoth asks looking at it. “A gift from a friend.” I say and Thoth glares at me and cast his next spell and as he does my lower body starts slowly turning to stone. Thoth smiles and walks ways. As the spell takes affect I close my eyes and visualize myself as a spirit and start to phase. “Going some where .” I say as I break free and cast my own spell. Thoth growls at me in annoyance and turns in anger and draws his sword. I Magus “So that's the way it's going to be” I say and prepare to defend myself. “You have no idea who you are dealing with I am the King of Gods.” Osiris boast and comes in with a feint . “Funny I was going to say almost the same thing.” Maximus says and flexes his muscles and blocks his feint but Osiris smiles and comes in low but Maximus grins too and drops off his robe and blocks his attack with his other sword. “Hmm a challenge. This is going to interesting.” he says and prepares to fight back. “Give it up little slave you don't think you can beat me .” Isis says getting up and puts her foot on her neck. “Never.” Paige says and grabs her ankle and applies pressure with her other wrist and Isis falls”Arg!” Isis says as she falls to the ground. “Not bad..” she says as Paige regains the advantage against her. “Looks like I'm going to have to draw my weapon.” Isis says and draws a wicked looking scimitar. Paige realizing that she may need help calls out for just that. As she desperately tries to avoid the scimitar. I am doing my best against Thoth and hear Paige's call. I close my eyes and reach out to the city and the axe. “Soul Cleaver.” I whisper and from the sky a huge ax comes down and I block his attack. As I defend myself I send a message . “Hang on I'll be there in a while do your best.” I tell her as Thoth comes at me and I brandish Soul Cleaver ready for the next round. I Magus “Now let's try again shall we!!” I say wielding Soul Cleaver in my hands and smash it against my legs taking the remaining stone that's grown on . “You think you have a chance now that you have that.” Thoth says and laughs. I raise the ax above my head and come at him, but Thoth sides steps and says some strange words and his sword divides in to two. As he comes at me he starts spinning them as I try my best to defend off the blows. As I fend off his swords. I notice that with each blow he grows weaker. Soul Cleaver is leaching off his energy with each blow. “Wh...what's happening.” Thoth says not understanding why he is so tired. Then looks up at Soul Cleaver and understands with hatred. “It's the axe. It's leaching off of me.” Thoth says and gets up. I nod and smile. “A symbiotic weapon, but I wonder when will it turn on you.” Thoth says all knowingly. “But it's not mine it belongs to my apprentice . I'm just borrowing it for a while.” I say and grin and come at him and the Soul Cleaver screams as I plunge it in his chest as I shatter his heart and I feel Soul Cleaver feeding off what remains of what they his ka and his magick . “Well I guess you weren't as powerful as I thought.” I say to the corpse as I pick up my pack and head back to the library before I head to help Paige. I Magus “What are you?” Osiris says trying to get a blow in. “You wouldn't understand.” Maximus says. “No matter . You can not hope to defeat me.” Osiris says brandishing his sword his sword as Maximus his sword in one hand and his other sword in his other hand. “No matter how many weapons or arms you have. You can not hope to defeat me. I am the oldest of the gods. I have survived because I am not so brash and foolish as the others.” Osiris boasts. “Then why are you not attacking.” Maximus says sensing Osiris's ploy trying to goad him to attack. “Amazing some of the books. I've never even heard of.” I say examining the books in the library. “Wow . This is the original Book of the Dead. This has been lost for centuries.” I say to no one in particular and place it in my pack with the wand now wrapped up in black silk. As I move on and examine the books and scroll I realize that I have to get going then I see something that catches my eye and check it out. “What's this ?” I say to myself as I put it on the table and examine it. “This is amazing it looks like it's written in a dialect that is either extinct or has not been invented yet.” I say to myself as I examine it and put it away in my pack. As I check my watch I realize that now more than ever I need to hurry. I take one last look around and leave heading to Paige's position. I Magus “Magus where are you?” Paige says trying her best to defend against Isis's scimitar. “Paige catch!” I says and toss her Soul Crusher Paige reaches out and catches it and as she does Thoth's magick and essence flow through her and rejuvenate her. Just as Isis comes in with her scimitar Paige raises Soul Cleaver and blocks it. “Little slave do you seriously think that just because you have an ax you can win. Your place is to serve us.” she says smugly and comes in low but Paige rolls and blocks the attack. “How?” Isis asks. “As I said I am not that person anymore.” Paige says and knocks her down and raises the ax for the finishing blow as she comes down Isis blinks and the ax lands where Isis once was. “She shifted.” I tell Paige as I watch and Paige quickly turns in time to block the attack. “Trust your intuition and instinct.” I tell her as Isis comes at her again and shifts again. “Ha, ha. I can do this forever. How long can you?” she says mocking her. Paige realizing her folly and sheaths Soul Cleaver and takes out a bandanna and wraps it around her eyes blind folds her self drawing Soul Cleaver and gets ready for the attack as Isis shifts again. But Paige quickly turns and blocks the attack. “Now we'll see eh. Good Paige.” I say as Isis shifts . Paige taking the ax shifts it to her other hand and I see what she is doing. Just as Isis appears Paige spins and wounds her.”Arg.” Isis screams in pain and frustration grabbing her arm. Paige smiles and says. “What's wrong I thought I was nothing.” Isis glaring at her holding her arm and charges at her as she comes Paige spins and blocks the attack. “How?” Isis screams in frustration. “There are more things in heaven and earth than you can imagine and I had a good teacher.” she says. I Magus “It's just luck but your luck can't last forever.” she says and shifts position readying for the next attack. Paige sensing what is about to happen switches hands and goes into a defensive position. As I watch I can't help but beam with pride she learned quickly as Isis comes in with her sword raised but Paige evades the attack by leaping up and over and coming from behind. “Arg!” Isis screams in frustration as she turns to attack. As she does Paige blocks the attack and strikes her pushing her back. “This is foolishness.” Isis says with a look of hatred in her eyes. “Agreed. You toyed with her enough finish this.” I tell Paige and as Isis charges coming with her sword raised Paige lowers the ax and waits as Isis rushes in sword in hand raised . As she does Paige side steps and does a sort of dance and raises the ax and spins as she comes in screaming Paige spins again decapitates her. “Where did you learn that?” I ask walking up to her. “From my father. It's the fighting style of my people.” Wiping her for head. “Well it's certainly impressive .” I tell her looking at the decapitated Isis. I Magus “Time to surrender little human.” Osiris says goading him on. “Why do you persist in this charade I know and you know that your not a god so just drop it.” Maximus says and goes in for another attack but Osiris evades the attack by leaping up and execute his own move , but as he does Maximus snares him with a web and pulls on it causing him to fall mid leap. As Osiris tries to reagin his footing Maximus comes in for the kill. Sensing him coming he says. “Well come on then finish me. But know this I will return stronger then ever.” Osiris says. “You actually believe in the myths about your self.” Maximus says . “Myths I can't believe your that foolish.” Osiris says and Maximus sees the scars. “So you survived some near deaths. Any skilled mage could do the same. “That's true.” I say coming up to him. “Bah , but I am more than a mere mage and you have given me time to recover.” Osiris says getting up and drawing his sword. “It's time we end this.” Osiris says and takes a wicked looking substance and puts it on his blade and some strange words. “Now we shall see. The blood of Sekmet a wicked toxin one touch and you'll suffer like people with Ebola or leprosy . You'll ask for a quick death..” Osiris says gloating. I Magus “He's changed the rules and the playing field .” I say worried. “Don't be my friend. Most toxins don't work on my kind because of the venom we use.” Maximus says and from his own pouch takes out a substance I've only read about. “Behold a poison just as lethal .” Maximus says putting it on his blade. “Now the playing field is equal.”Maximus says and the fight begins a new. As I watch and speculate on the outcome. Paige pulls on my sleeve and turns my attention to the drones coming my way. “Looks like Osiris didn't anticipate everything now we can't have that.” I say and prepare for the assault. As they close in I touch a rune on my staff and shout begone and the ground trembles underneath them as my quake spell takes effect knocking them down. As I deal with them Paige takes care of the others by calling upon the winds and sending them away. Osiris seeing his soldiers fallen just grins and as I turn my attention to Maximus I see Paige face as they rise again. “ What?” I say not believing this and they come at us again. “Ha, ha, looks like your friends are doomed.” Osiris says taunting him like the Emperor in Return of the Jedi. “Nice try , but I am not worried about Magus. I would worry about yourself.” Maximus says flexing his muscles and feigns an attack. As Maximus fights off Osiris Paige and I deal with the undead as I figured that's what they are. “Necromancy. This is illegal where I come from.” I say. “Yes but how do we deal with them?” Paige asks. “By disrupting the spell.” I say, I Magus and I activate my quake spell to give us more time. “Ha, while my servants take care of your friends I'll deal with you.” Osiris says and come in stronger and more aggressive. “Ha, ha that's it give up . You cannot hope to win.” Osiris says taunting him. “So you were holding back.” Maximus says and grins throwing away his other sword and grabs hold of Heaven's Bane with all four arms. As Osiris comes in slashing and bluntly Maximus raises Heaven's Bane and deflects the attack as his arms acts like shock absorbers taking the blunt of the attack. “That's it , now let me show how it's done.” Maximus says and enters a stance sword raised and lunges forward at Osiris 's exposed opening. “Arg!” Osiris says and leaps back wounded . “You'll pay for that.” Osiris says glaring and raises his sword and prepares to attack again. “So how do we disrupt the spell.” Paige asks. “It's gotta be some charm or something but we have to hurry.” I say for at that moment they start to rise again. “It would have to powerful to this many.” Paige comments, and then I remember an episode of a show I watched and remember what the charm looked like. “Paige it might have a skull or an inverted Pentagram. “Oh and it would have to be chaos related.” she say and looks around as she fends them off. I Magus “Maximus” I shout fending off an undead. “I 'm kind of busy here Magus.” Maximus saidto me. “Sorry do you see a charm on him?” I ask desperate . “Die.” Osiris says as he lunges for an attack but Maximus sides step and sees a charm hanging from his hip. “I see it a charm with a skull on it..” he says and parries an attack. “Good destroy it.” I tell him. Maximus lunges and as he does grab the charm and tosses it to me. I quickly catch it and drop it and smash it with my staff. As I do the undead stop confused and turn toward Osiris the one who bound them. “Wait stop.” Osiris says trying to get them to stop. “Maximus get out of there. Trust me you don't want to be there right now.” I tell him and he sheathes Heaven's Bane and quickly dodges to stand by my side. “No!Ar___________g!” Osiris screams as the undead drag him down and feast on his flesh. “I would not wish that on my worst enemy.” I say flinching as they feast on him. “Ha,ha. I shall return.” Osiris says with his last breath. “We shall see .” I say as the undead finish him off. As they do I notice something peculiar written on his force head and swear to myself . “Crap a resurrection spell.” and I watch as Osiris slowly rises. “Ha I told you you I can't be defeated that easily my brother tried and failed and now you shall suffer the same fate.” he boasts as he staggers up. “You may be back but it looks like your in no shape to fight.” I tell him and take out my scrying mirror to show him. His face is still ravaged by the undead and he looks like he just came out of the grave. “ No matter I can still defeat you.” Osiris boasts.”It hardly seems fair considering that there are two of us and one of you.” I tell him. “Funny I count three but no matter it does not matter if there are three (or) two you can't hope win.” he boasts and from the street he summons a beggar to him and I Magus lays his hand on the urchins for head and says a word and falls. “Ah that's better “ Osiris says now in the body of the beggar .”Oh double crap. He can swap bodies too” I swear to myself again. “So how do we defeat him.” Maximus asks. “Don't know, we need to keep him away from his body and anybody else so he cannot do this again.” I tell him and try to think away out of this. “What about the Dreaming Isle.” Maximus ask. “No to risky.” I tell him because of the fact that it is our only source of commerce. “We need someplace that there are no innocences for him to use. Wait not the isle but the city.” I realize and raise my staff and shift us back to the city. “What where ?” says realizing he is not in Aegypt anymore. “Welcome to the city .I thought it appropriate that we end this fight here.” I tell him not to mention that there are no innocents for him to use. “No matter for when I defeat you. I shall rule this city too.” He boasts and I smile and look too Maximus , thinking the same thing that if he tries to sit on the throne he is in for a shock. As Osiris draws his sword I call upon a protection spell that will stop him will stop him using one of us “Ah my dear soon you will be back where you belong” he taunts Paige. “I will never return with you.” Paige swears drawing Soul Cleaver. “How sad you had great potential.”he says taunting her. “Indeed she does.” I say as he comes at her as I quickly counter with a spell as Maximus draws Heaven's Bane and blocks the attack. “We never did finish our dance.” Maximus says. I Magus “Oh we did . But if you wish to go a second bout, I'm game.” Osiris says smugly and goes for his amulet. “What's the matter loose something.” I tell him holding up the smashed amulet. “This is going to be a fare fight.” I say grinning behind my mask “Ha,ha,ha” Osiris laughs . “Fools I didn't become the head god by relying on just trinkets.” he says and starts casting a spell. As he cast we he a moan which seems to come from the earth “Yes come and obey me.” Osiris says with an insane look in his eyes and a huge hand emerges from the earth that seems to be made of dirt and root and as one emerges another emerges too. “Oh shit he didn't” I swear to myself realizing just who he has summoned. “Rise Atlas Earth king and obey me!” Osiris shouts with glee. “That's impossible .” Maximus says . “Technically it shouldn't be able to be done. The city is based in the dreaming so it shouldn't be able to done.” I agree as we watch as Atlas rises from the earth. “Ha,ha, now you will feel the full extent of my power destroy them” Osiris commands as Atlas rises fully from the earth. As he rises I take stalk in the fact that he must be taller than the biggest skyscraper and then some. “How do you defeat something that big.” Paige asks looking up at him. “You don't you die.” Osiris says mocking her. “He was defeated before .” I tell Paige looking up at him. “Yes by the Greek gods.” Maximus says looking at him. “Yes but this proves my theory that the Greek gods were wizards too just like the Egyptians and just evolved.” I explain . “So if that's the case then how do we defeat him?” Paige asks. “The mythos says that Zeus cast lightning bolts at him and imprisoned him and the other titans .” I muse recalling my knowledge of the Greek myths. “Yes the weapon Hephaestus cast form Zeus . Hmm I have an idea.” I say and begin to cast a variation of my storm spell. As I attempt my idea , Maximus I Magus takes out some chains from his pack and cast them like a web. Paige seeing what he is attempting begins a spell of her own conjuring water from the earth . In the sky the the clouds begin to darken as my spell begins to take effect and rain begins to fall. Seeing that it's working I begin to put more work into it and the clouds churn and thunder clashes. Maximus startled by the power of my spell quickly puts more effort into and uses all four arms to pull Atlas down. Seeing that my efforts are working I call upon the power of the gods to grant my request and the sky trembles and lightning strikes, hitting Maximus chains and shocking Atlas . Arg! No I won't go back.” he speaks. “You speak.” I ask him . “Yes, puny....mortal. I ….speak....It ...was ….a....wizard ...like you....that...defeated....us ...last...time...but ….not...this...time.”Atlas says and roars raising his arms and smashing the ground.. Maximus holding the chains goes flying and releases the chains. “Paige grab the chains” I shout as I cast another lightning bolt his way. Paige seeing that Maximus is out quickly dodges the next attack and grabs the chains. “Ha,ha, a woman what chance do you have against me.” Atlas says taunting her and shrugs off her efforts. “Not much but I can hold you and keep you distracted.” she tells him as Atlas realizes the ploy and roars as I use the chains as a conduit . “Arrg!” Atlas roars as the electricity courses through his body. Paige quickly grabs the chains again and calls down the winds to blow and assault him.. “Arg!” Atlas shouts again as he stumbles and loses his balance . As he stumbles Maximus regains consciousness and quckly helps Paige pull him down. I Magus “Now” I shout and Paige begins to cast our spell rooting Atlas to the earth. “No_________!” Atalas shouts as the earth reclaims him again and I collapse. “Magus!” Paige says and rushes to my side . “I'm okay just tired. Where's where's Osiris?” I ask getting up. “Gone” she says looking around. “No matter I'm sure we'll meet him again.” I say to them and we head to the castle. I Magus Chapter 5 1. “Are you okay?” Paige asks as I limp to the throne . “Yes I'll be fine” I tell her as I sit down on the throne and feel the heart stone flowing through me and reviving me. “You did well my love” I complement her. “So you think it's over” she asks “For now but I'll guarantee he'll be back” I tell her. “ Forgive me Magus, but there is some one here to see you.” Maximus says as a beautiful stranger enters the throne rooom. “ I would like to thank you for what you have done .” she says and two servants bring in an ornate looking sarcophagus. “It's made from lapus luzi and gold. It's the least we could do for you after you got rid of the false gods now we can start a new , and as the newly elected leader I would like to reopen trade agreements.” she says . “I would like that .” I tell her and step down and shake her hand and she turns to leave. As she leaves Paige curious opens the sarcophagus “Oh!” she exclaims and I turn to see what's inside. The sarcophagus is filled with jewls and gold and then I see the scrolls. “Oh the scrolls .” I say as I realize that these are the scrolls that I could not take with me. “Amazing” Maximus says amdimring the handiwork. “Yes the ancient Egyptians were mater craftsman but I think we should head to bed and see what awaits us in the morining.” I say as Paige and I head to our rooms. I Magus 2. As morning approaches in another part of the world an adept studying under a wizard is learning a new a spell . “All these rituals are unneccesary .” The adept says. “Maybe but if you to be a wizard. You have to learn the right way.” the elderly wizard tells him. “Maybe or maybe I 'm sick of you and your teachings old man.” the says grinning evilly and grabs the athem off the table and stabs him with it. Taking a scroll out of his robe he begins to read/ “ Ia Chthulhu . Ia Chthuhlu nat fit gan. Here me and accept this sacrafice .” the adept says and in another realty something sleeping stirs and new evil is born. In the castle I awake with an uneasy feeling but not sure why but sense that a new maybe that even rivals my own power . Getting up I go to the basin and splash my face and look in the mirror. “Just a dream.” I tell myself and head to throne room adorning my mask and putting my robe on. “Sleep well?” Paige asks me . “No not really. I had a dream.” I tell her as I head to the library to study the scrolls and books that the new Pharaoh left us . “Do you think that it might be a premonition.” Paige asks concerned. “Maybe we'll just have to wait and see.” I say to her unaware of what's happening at this very moment. I Magus 3. At the scene of the murder the adept is scrounging through the dead wizards scrolls and books. “Impatient am I . We'll see about that . Where is it?” he says searching the book shelves. “Ah there you are.” the adept says with a wicked grin picking up an ornate looking book. “Your mentors book of shadows. I knew you couldn't destroy it, even if you couldn't see eye to eye. Kinda like our relationship eh.” The adept says kicking the corpse and leaving with a laugh. “Are you okay?” Maximus asks as he enters the library. “Not sure . I just have this feeling .” I tell him as I examine a scroll. “Could it be from the dream.?” Maximus asks “Maybe just have this feeling that the worst is yet to come.” I tell him as I examine another text book. “Well come . I'll you buy a drink at The Bar.” Maximus offers talking about the aptly named Country Western tavern down at the harbor. “Sure I'll just put these away.” I tell him picking up the scrolls and texts and putting them on the shelf but still feeling that feeling of unease about something. I Magus The Bar is your typical country western bar the floor is covered in saw dust in one corner is a raised plat form where artist sometimes play and the other is an old style Jukebox where you can hear the latest hits. The keeper is a fat balding man with a white t-shirt and jeans standing by the counter wiping it down with a dirty white cloth. I always get the feeling when I 'm here that he doesn't like me or trust me as we sit down and he asks us what we'll have . I order my usual a coffee with milk ,cocoa , nutmeg and cinnamon and honey while Maximus orders a cider. “So what do you think is wrong?” Maximus asks me while we wait for our drinks. “I don't know . I just have this feeling that there's a battle on the way that's going to take all our abilities and powers to defeat.” I tell him. “Well then there's no point worrying you know if it come it comes.” Maximus tells me. “I guess.” I say sipping my coffee. Outside the layer of the deceased wizards place the adept takes out a black robe and grins. “Ah freedom . My destiny is out there somewhere I just know it.” he says and laughs taking up his staff and heads out. As we finish out drinks and head out I notice the storm clouds that are gathering . “Storm clouds that's unusual we usually don't have any.” I mention not liking this and we hurry back to the caste. I Magus 4. As we hurry back to the castle not sure of what's going on. The adept studies the book of shadows he pilfered from his murdered mentors library . “Why?” a voice whispers as the apparition of the deceased wizard appears “Oh please you were just a means to an end.” the adept says sneering. “Mark my word this path you are taking will end in misery.” the dead wizard warns . “Begone ! I command you.” the adept says raising his staffing and banishing the dead wizards spirit. “I will go , but mark my words this will be your doom Spectre.” the dead wizard says omnisciently. “That is not my name Spectre.” Spectre sneers. “It is now. It is your true name.” the dead wizard says and fades away. “Spectre , I like that. A name that will strike fear in my foes.” Spectre says and laughs turning to the book of shadows to study it more closely. 1 The name Magus is trade marked any use of the name outside of this book or any other thing needs permission from the author. 2The House of M is different from Marvels House of M and is no way related the M stands for Magus/Moro .Check out the website at the end of the book. 3Featured at the end of the book. 4As told later on in the story 5The histories are what I call The Vampire Chronicles. 6As told later on in the book and in Book 2 The Devil King.

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