Darklight Imports second store

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Octoarrms and look at Houseof M /Darklight Labratory

Everwanted an extrapare of arms. Well now you can , the House of M can you give you your dream. Using the latest in fibre optics and the latest in arcane rituals we can give you the arms of your dreams.

The House of M strongly suggested that you discuss it with your friends and family first and religous leader in your area as the ritual uses demonic energy.

Note: If you are pregnant , mentally ill or mentall disabled or suffer from poor health than this procedure is not for you.

The House of M Labratory
The House of M /Darklight Light Industries is burried deep underground as some of the experiments too make your life easier is consider risky by some standards.

Only sold in selcect realties

coming soon to this reality The Blood Annals a story by Ted Moro

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Soul Conduit

The Soul Conduit
Tired , listless , Job warn you out. Energy drinks not working for you.
The soul conduit is the answer. The soul conduit taps the souls from the dead
and the living and feeds the energy to your chakra points. It can be fitted to
fit your size .
_ Caution : Constant use may result in death of friends and loved ones.

*A House of M product (Only sold in some realities. )