Darklight Imports second store

Thursday, September 10, 2015

A Lego story : The light house and the portal by Drake Darklight

    "Well, here we are gang ." Fred says as parks in front of the spooky looking castle like mansion. "Ah  Fred you sure this is place it doesn't look anything like the hotel on the cover of the of the brochure. "  Daphne points out to him.  "Ya, but if the buffet looks like anything like it does in the brochure  boy oh boy ah Scooby." Shaggy says patting his belly and licking  his lips. "Ya ,yummy."  Scooby says. "Well as long were here we might as well check it out what could go wrong?" Velma says and they get out of the van and head to the mansion to check in.
          Inside Fred walks up to what looks like front desk "Um hello is anybody here?" Fred asks as he   looks around. "Um Fred I don't like the looks of this place." Shaggy says as they enter the mansion. 
"Ya creepy" Scooby shares shivering to show his fear .   "Come in just a minute you two were itching to get here just to get at the food."   Velma says. "That was before we saw this place can we please go?" Shaggy asks. "Ah,  come  on I bet you would stay for  a Scooby snack . " Velma says holding out the box.  "No no way  not this time. " Shaggy says shaking his head  . "Not even for these new ones they just released." Velma says shaking the box. "New ones?" Scooby asks. "Yes new ones  pizzaa flavoured. " Velma says. "They made pizza ones?" Shaggy asks. "Yes , it seems some one wrote to them and asked them to make a new flavour." That was me ." Shaggy says drewling .  
"Well you the Shaggy from Mystery Inc of course they are going to listen to you. "  Daphne puts in.
"Well in that case give me." Shaggy says and grabs the box and they scarf them down.
"Well, it looks no one going to come help us so I suggest we find some rooms and settle down for the night ." Fred suggests  and they head up stairs. As they do Velma notices they circular looking sculpture just in front of the mansion but just dismisses it too tired to think about it now and unaware that as they head to there rooms they are being watched .
           Mean while as Mystery Inc  is having a nice nap in another world  the Dimension is in the portal world . "So where would you like to go next?" The A.I.  asks. " Well where do want go next?" Batman ask.   " What about the cake?" Gandalf asks. "Will you stop with the cake . " Batman says.
"There will be cake later okay but I would like to explore someplace new this time."  Wyldestyle says. "Yes well okay then how about a mystery ."   Gandalf says. " A mystery then about how about this."  The A.I.   suggest and a portal opens to where the Scooby gang is at . "Is that the mystery machine , but they are just a cartoon arent they?" Batman ask. "Only one way to find out."  Wylde style says and they step into the portal.

              "So that was relaxing ." Fred says stretching as he meets the others  down stairs  .   "Yes I wonder why this place is abandoned . " Velma wonders . "What ever I am just glad there were no creepy crawlers or spooky ghost or ghouls to ruin the night." Shaggy says. "Ya what he said ." Scooby says. "But I am starved how about you Scoob."  Shaggy says.  "You two are always hungry still I do wondere why this is place is abandoned . "Daphne says as they walk out. "I'll tell you why ."  A stranger says as they near the van. "Its because of the light house strange things happen out there."
he tells them. "Strange things you say." Fred says . "Fred no I just want to get out of here please don't say it." Shaggy pleads. "Well gang it looks like we have a mystery on our hand."   Fred says. "Yes that is suspicious. " Velma says. "So I suggest we first look around. And find some clues. " Fred says. "Good idea I want to go to the library and find out some more about the history of it Scooby , Shaggy do with Daphne and see what you can find about it from local inhabitants. "  Velma says.  "Right and I want do some more digging around maybe there is a reason why they say its haunted." Fred says and they head out.
           As they begin to head out the mysterious looking statue activates and  a portal opens and from it  Batman , Gandalf and WlydeStyle appear. "Dude thats Batmn !" Shaggy says excited "Ya Batman." Scooby agrees. "Um ,yes and who are you?" Batman asks.   "I'm Shaggy and Scooby were your biggest fans.  We have all your comics." Shaggy says.  "Um thanks I think."  Batman says. "Wait your dog can read and talk." Wylde Style says. "Well ya can't yours."  Shaggy says. "Umm no and I am more a cat person myself." She says. "Cats where I hate them." Scooby says. "Relax Scooby there are none here."  Shaggy  says reassuring Scooby.  " Well as long as you're here we could use the help." Fred suggest. "Ah, sure ." Batman says. "Good then Batman you will go with Shaggy and Scooby change of plans now and go to the light house and investigate it and you come with me ." Fred says.  "Sure and the names WyldeStyle  . " She says.  "And what about me?"  Gandalf says.
"You will come with to the library ." Velma says. "Ah yes okay ."  Gandalf says and they all head out
            At the harbour Shaggy and Scooby look on at the light house with trepidation. "Come on you two ." Batman says. "Um geese Mr. Batmn sir are you sure  you can't  do this by yourself." Shaggy says trembling.  "Ya , spooky."  Scooby agrees.   "Come on you two is that way for two famous ghost hunters to act."  Batman chides.  "Nooo but thats not us that the others."  Shaggy says. "Well I don't have any Scooby Snacks but I do have these delicious bat crackers. "  Batman says .  "Bat-crackers eh wellll okay food is food." Shaggy and grabs them.
               At the light house  Shaggy and Scooby enter the lighthouse knees trembling as Batman takes out his flash light as they head in to investigate. "Jeepers this place is creepy don't you think Scoob." Shaggy says his teeth chattering.  "Ya creepy ." Scooby says agreeing.   "Come on you two I swear what do they see in you."  Batman says wishing that Robin was with him  .  " Aww were not that bad  ." Shaggy says catching up.    "Ya not so bad " Scooby says agreeing.  "Wait what was that..." Batman says as he hears something out of the ordinary and head in that direction with Scooby and Shaggy trailing behind.
                    In town Velma and Gandalf head to the library  as Fred , Daphne  and Wylde Style head to the mayors house to learn what he knows. "A library eh what a novel idea where I come from there are no libraries. " Gandalf says as they head to the library. " Really from what  I know of your world you would think there would be ."  Velma comments. "No nothing like it young lady even though I did encounter a building with what a fellow big thing called a clock on it. " Gandalf says. "Really interesting." Velma  says rolling her eyes as near the library and go inside. " Amazing so a library is place of books. I can't wait to tell the others of this wondrous building." Gandalf says in amazement.
"Oh I am sure they already know."  Velma says sighing.  "Really." He says as they enter and head to the local history section.
                         "I wonder how Velma's doing with Gandalf . He must be in heaven in a place  like that." WyldeStyle says smiling as she she thinking about  iit.  "So I like your hair different. " Fred says .  "Thanks I like your  afghan . " Wylde Style says.   "So do you have some one where you are from ?"  Daphne asks.  "There is this fella but he is not the brightest of people if you know what I mean."   Wylde Style says winking . "Yes I know." Daphne says sighing. "Hey was that directed at me?" Fred  asks .  "No not at all Fred."  Daphne says giggling as they see the mayor outside scratching his head looking at his car.
                "Soooo Bruce Wayne how do you juggle that."  Shaggy asks as they explore the light house. "What who told you that?"  Batman says. "Relax dude its all in the comics see?"  Shaggy says showing him the comic book. "Hmm I need to have a chat with my publicist . " Batman says as they head farther in.   As they do a sound is heard and spooky voice is heard . "Jeeper what was that !" Shaggy says now frightened. "Probably nothing just the wind this place has seen better days by the looks of it." Batman says as they head farther into the decrepit lighthouse.
          "Gandalf look at this ." Velma says as she is looking on the internet at an article by local Ontario  writer.   "This article says the light house used to be the beacon in the harbour until the Ontario government replaced it with the now electronic ones. But the last of the keepers didn't take it to well and jumped off the break water where the light house was stationed.  As he fell though he cursed the light house and vowed to comeback and terrorize any one who tried to take it away ." Velma says not noticing that Gandalf has gone wondering . "Gandalf?" Velma says now realizing he is gone. "Wondrous."     Gandalf says as he wonders among the books.    "Gandalf where are you?" Velma says  searching for him.  "Just wondrous ." Gandalf says looking at the books.  "Gandalf we have to go." Velma says looking for him. "But I want to stay!" Gandalf says as the leave. "I know but we have a mystery to solve its what we do." Velma says rolling her eyes as they head to where Fred , Daphne and WyldeStyle is.

   "So what can you tell us Mr Mayor." Daphne asks the mayor who is still struggling with his truck. "What I am sorry I wasn't listening my darn truck how am I supposed to help when my stupid truck wont't work." The Mayor says kicking it. "Maybe I can help."  Fred and WyldeStyle   say together.
"Wait what do you know of trucks ." Fred asks. "You saying I don't know anything about repairing or trucks . I'll have you know I am a builder. Just stand back." Wylde Style says. and looks at the truck.
"Hmm let me see." She says and goes to work. "Brick,brick , brick , brick." WyldeStyle says as she takes apart the lego truck and then reassembles the truck . "They you go there was a brick missing should work now." She says to the Mayor. "Oh,  thank you young lady." The Mayor says . "I could of done that. "  Fred says.  "Of course you could have.But lets let her have this."Daphne says reassuring Fred.  "So what can you tell us about the so called hauntings." Fred asks. "Oh that those are old wives tales I have never encountered the so called ghost even though people say they have encountered it ."
The Mayor. "Really so what do you think Fred ?" Daphne ask. "I think this is just another villain out to get something and we will catch him." He says. "Oh, Fred ."  Daphne sighs and they head to meet up with Velma and Gandalf.
                    "Jeepers  this place just creepier and creepier." Shaggy says as they follow Batman into the deeper in to the light house. "No ,wonder  no one  takes care of it anymore I woudn't  stay in here too." Shaggy says . "Ya. " Scooby says agreeing.  "I doubt thats why they abandoned  it you two."
Batman says pinching his nose and shaking his head. " Exactly Batman." Velma says meeting up with them  from the other entrance of the lighthouse. "They left it because the old ways was costing too much money and the new one's were more efficient. " Velma informs.  "I say Batman you should see where we were a place filled with tombs." Gandalf tells him. "A library?" Batman gueses . "Yes that's what it was called. "If you like that one you should see the one at Wayne Manor not that I've ever been there I'm sure a man like Bruce Wayne wouldn't let the likes of me there." Batman says  . "Really even bigger than the one we were at? I would like to meet this Bruce Wayne."  Gandalf says.
"Oh I think you already ....." Shaggy begins to say as Batman nudges him to stop him from revealing his secret.  "Oops sorry man." Shaggy ,apologizes.
      "Well now that most of us are here I think its time to get to down to business and look for clues."
Velma says. "That what we were doing." Batman says. "Oh um sorry it's just what we do." Velma says embarrassed to be barraged by Batman. "All right so I say we split up properly this time . Velma Shaggy Scooby you take the upper floors while Me Fred when he arrives Daphne and Wylde Style head out and search the lower floor and basement . "  Batman says "All right sound good come on Shaggy and Scooby." Velma says as they head up stairs.
    Unkown to them a mysterious and sinister looking figure watches them for the top of the light house dresses in shaggy clothes from the 19th century  and  as Velma and Shaggy and Scooby head up stairs the ghostly figure watches and laughs.
          "So what do you think is going on ?"  Wylde Style asks.  "I think its someone who isn't happy with the new automated lighthouses most likely he is probably the keeper of the one the last of the light houses." Velma says. Thats what I think too . " Wylde Style remarks. "Well we won't know until find evidence of that." Fred says coming in with Daphne . "Can I ask you something Fred."  Wylde Style asks.  "Sure I guess ." Fred says. "What's with  agfgan."  Wylde Style asks. "Its stylish ."  Fred says.  "Um no its not." She says. "Says the girl with pink hair." Daphne says.  "I like my pink hair it makes me different ."  Wylde Style. says.  " To each its own ." Daphne says to her . "Shouldn't we get going then.  " Fred says. "Right  lets get going."  Velma says and they head out to search for clues.
        Mean while Shaggy Scooby Batman and Gandalf are exploring the upper rooms. "Hey Scooby check out this light bulb I wouldn't mind having this in our room eh. We wouldn't have to afraid ever again. " Shaggy says "Ya Shaggy look." Scooby says and makes shadow puppets.  "Guys quite fooling around. " Batman says. "Hey thats pretty good Scoob." Shaggy says remarking on the last shadow  puppet  Scoobby made. "Um I didn't make that ." Scooby says and they turn around to the ghost of the Light house of Keeper  . "Yikes " They both say together and duck out of the way of his reach . "What's wrong boys ?" Gandalf says as Shaggy and Scooby run by. "Gh...ost." Shaggy say .
"Really we will see about this. " Gandalf says and turns to face the so called Light House Ghost.
"You shall not pass!"  Gandalf says slamming his staff on the ground lighting up the hallway , but when the light vanishes the ghost of the light house still stands. "Hmm precular that spell usually works."  Gandalf says scratching his head. "Well don't just stand there ." Shaggy says and they  run towards where Batman is.  As they turn the corner  they run head long into Batman with the ghost following behind. "Whats wrong you three?" Batman asks as they run straight into him. "I say we might have problem here." Gandalf says nodding behind as they ghost comes around the corner. "Upon seeing it Batman sneers and takes and prepares to face it down.  "Are you nuts its a ghost."
Shaggy says trembling . "It's not a ghost it's just another costumed goon. Do you know how many I come across every day in my line of work." Batman says and as the ghost comes at him Batman takes out his stud gone and shoot him with it knocking him down. "See " Batman says making his point. "Ya but he looks awfully angry now." Shaggy says looking at him.  "They all look that way." Batman says as he prepares to fight him. "Umm Bats I don't think that is a good idea." Gandalf says. "Really why?" Batman asks. "Thats why !" Shaggy says as they ghost charges at them now angrier then ever.
"Oh I see your point ." Batman says as they run away from the ghost
                   "Guys look at this ."  Fred says as they investigate basement. "Found something handsome." Wylde Style says. "Yes, I don't think this is about a disgruntled worker at all."
Fred says as they come to see what he found.  "Hmm whats a ghost doing with scuba diving equipment?" Velma asks. "Yes and look at this ."  Fred says pointing out the hinge and crane."
"You know I am begin to getting the idea . " Velma says scratching her chin. "Wasn't there a  bank robbery a couple of weeks ago?" Velma ask. "Yes and maybe this is the crooks getting there money."
Fred says. "So this whole ghost deal is them keeping the tourist and other people away from the lighthouse. "  Velma says.  "Yes so I think we turn the tables on them don't you. " Fred says already thinking on how to trap the ghost .
                "Oh okay so what do we do?" Batman asks as they have temporally avoided him. "What do you mean what do we do we avoid him ." Shaggy says as he catches his breath. "Yes I agree with this young man there is no point in confronting him if we can avoid him." Gandalf agrees. "Then we just hide here?" Batman asks. "Yes ,I don't see a problem with that."  Shaggy says agreeing as he and Scooby cower in the corner.
         "So here is how it is gong to work." Fred explains to Velma and others on the lower floor.
"The ghost giving the others a chase will run down the stairs unaware of the hidden trap Wylde Style and I buit and when he steps on the loaded step he will fly on to the make shift trampolene form the table cloth we found and then and landing in the makeshift net I made out of the rope I found. "
Fred explains. "So how do we lure him he here?" Daphne asks. "Do you remember a couple of months ago when we were in the last town and Scooby and Shaggy were so worried and we bought them both a walkie talkie so they could contact us if ever needed. " Fred says. "I still don't understand why you didn't by them cell phones. "  Daphne asks. "Those two they would have racked up charges ordering pizza probably. " Fred says. "Oh okay so you want me to call them and tell them the plan ."
"Yup ." Fred says.
                       "This is ridiculous  we can't just cower and hide." Batman snarls. "You got a better idea."   Shaggy says and as he does Daphne's voice is heard. "Shaggy are you there Fred has plan?" Daphne says through the walkie talkie . "Great I just knew those walkie talkies were a bad idea."
"Don't answer it Shaggy."Scooby says.  "Give me that ." Batman says taking the walkie talkie .
"Batman here what's the plan?"  He asks  and Daphne explains . "Sounds sound better then what these cowards want." Batman says agreeing and hands it back. "Let me guess were the bait again." Shaggy says. "Yes but if you two agree  I'll talk to Bruce and have him take you two  to his favourite  buffet."
Batman says with a wink.  "A buffet you say ." Shaggy says his mouth watering at the idea as well as Scooby.  "Well ,okay then let's go ."  Shaggy says and they step out .
             ON the lower floor Fred and the others wait when they hear the commotion  as Shaggy and the others are being chased .  "Hey ugly is that as fast as you can go." Batman taunts as they run ahead  of the so called ghost who growls in anger at the taunt and tries to grab him but Batman avoids his grab and they run down the stairs  with the ghost chasing.
    "He's coming " Daphhe says as she spots Scooby and Shaggy . "Okay get ready." Fred says as he and Wylde Style get ready to trap the ghost.  As they do Scooby accidentally steps on the spring steps and goes flying landing on the trampolene . "Scooby no!" Daphne says as they ghost comes right after now avoiding step "Hurry we can still trap him."  Fred says as he Wylde Style prepare to drop the net on the ghost  . As the ghost comes running after them Fed and Wylde Style drop the net on him trapping him.  "Now lets see who you are ." Velma says walking up to the  now  quite ghost.   "The Mayor !"  Daphne  says. "Of course who else had the motive we saw at his house he must be going broke and when he heard about the robbery he must have seen a chance to get back out of the red." Velma says.  "That and it was great for the town and I would have gotten away with it too if not if not for you meddling kids and you others." The Mayor says as the authorities take him away.
 Later at the portal  Batman and the others say their farewell. "Well it was nice meeting you all." Batmans says. "Yes , it was quite an adventure . "  Gandalf says agreeing with Batman. "Thank Bruce for the buffet will you. "Shaggy says. "I'm sure it was his pleasure ." Batman says . "Well it was nice  meeting you ." Wylde Sytle says to Fred. "Ya ,  you too. " Fred says. "Try changing your look up ascots are so last year." She says. "I'll remember that." Fred says. "Yes well I am sure you need to go now." Daphne says .  "Oh um yes I guess we should." Wylde Style says and they step through the portal.

                           THE END